It's TESTING WEEK starting Monday and we have an incredible week of programming ready to go for everyone! So to..
Training Tips
Protein Protein Protein! Let that word run circles in your brain! Protein in the MOST important macro nutrient and the..
60 Days to a NEW YOU?!
3 STEPS TO A NEW YOU- Health Simplified Today I’m going give you the MAIN 3 Steps you need to..
Why CROSSFIT? Won’t you get HURT?
rossFit has gotten a bad wrap in certain ways over the years. Heck when I was fighting I thought it..
72 Hour FAST!
Good morning!Nothing super cool happened last week at the gym so Im going to talk about myself hahaaha, J/K! Something..
CORTISOL – What is it and what does it do?
I've had a heck of a time recovery wise since my 12 hour Echo Bike ride and my way of..
The BEST Movement you’re NOT doing?!
I know you might think "well Coach Dan, I just do what you say" and yes I program every weeks..
500m Row Throwdown!
Another awesome week in the books at Radix! Some really cool things that happened this week and Im excited. First..
Is Vitamin D a Steroid?!
Vitamin D is both a nutrient we eat and a hormone our bodies make. It is a fat-soluble vitamin that..