The type of fat you consume on a regular basis will largely effect how you feel, how much fat you have on your body, how healthy you are and how you produce hormones! Crazy right?!
I want you to utilize the fat you consume to your advantage, to give you more energy, burn more fat and keep your hormones optimized!
So let’s start with the FATS you should NOT be consuming.
Most Vegetable Oils and Trans Fats should not be entering your body for a couple big reasons. Vegetable Oils can be made from one or a combination of the following
- Safflower,Canola,Palm,Cottonseed,Sunflower,Soybean,Poppyseed,Corn,Sesame,Linseed
The vegetable oil found in most grocery stores is usually a blend of several different types of oils that have been highly processed and refined, which kills off any health benefits.
One of the worst things about vegetable oil is how much omega-6 fatty acids it contains. Although we do need this important fatty acid in our diets, most of us consume far too much omega-6 and not nearly enough heart-healthy omega-3s.
Some experts recommend that we get equal parts omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in our diets, the ratio in the average western diet is closer to 15:1. This is thought to increase inflammation and contribute to chronic disease.
These types of cooking oils are also easily oxidized. That means that they break down and deteriorate when exposed to heat.
This can increase the formation of free radicals, which are harmful compounds that cause inflammation and oxidative damage to cells.
Certain types may also come with some other adverse effects on health. Hydrogenated oils, for example, tend to be high in trans fats, a type of fatty acid that has been associated with a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes, obesity and even certain types of cancer.
So where should you get your Fat from?! Here are your best sources
1. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil are a medium chain fat that helps boost energy and is easily digestible. Not only that, but its components have also been shown to bump up brain function, relieve inflammation and decrease hunger in both animal models and human studies alike.
2. Extra-Virgin Olive Oil
Rich in monounsaturated fats, olive oil has been linked to improved heart health thanks to its ability to fight free radicals, reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure.Compounds found in olive oil can also decrease plaque build-up in the brain to prevent Alzheimer’s disease while also blocking the growth of cancer cells in the body.
3. Grass-Fed Butter
Although butter has long been called an unhealthy fat, more and more research is beginning to prove that wrong. Grass-fed butter, is loaded with CLA, a compound that has been shown to help boost fat-burning and aid in weight loss. Butter is also rich in several micronutrients and beneficial fatty acids.
4. Avocado
Avocados are a great source of healthy fats, having around 21 grams of total fat into a cup. However, their fat content is just one component to consider when it comes to their nutrient profile. It also contains a good amount of fiber, vitamin C, potassium, vitamin K, folate and pantothenic acid as well.
5. Salmon
Salmon and other fatty fish varieties such as sardines, anchovies and tuna are a great source of omega-3 ‘s, which is an anti-inflammatory fat with a long list of benefits. Getting enough omega-3s in your diet has been shown to play an integral role in healthy aging, heart health, fetal development and dementia.
Now you know! Fat is critical to your health, picking the right ones is the key!
-Coach Dan