Are you looking to get your first strict pull-up?
Coach Rach, along with Team Radix Fam Samantha and Daniella, walks you through the progressions necessary to build the UPPER BODY STRENGTH necessary to do a strict, and then later, kipping, pull-ups!
Samantha starts with Ring Rows for strict strength, then builds to jumping pull-ups and negatives to train the up & down motion on a pull-up bar.
We also set the precedent for the minimum number of reps at each level before moving on, as well as clear movement standards for what actually counts as a pull-up! No bro reps allowed!
Once you’ve mastered the strict movement, you can move on to kipping pull-ups, but there are also some great kipping swing drills in this video that you can practice while you’re still working on your strict pull-ups.
Daniella demos the kipping pull-up followed by the butterfly progression, and we cover all the efficiency hacks to help you get more work done, faster! This is the goal of every CrossFit workout: to be as efficient as possible while meeting the movement standards.
We hope you find these progressions helpful, please let us know which variation you’re working on and what you want to see next!