What a great Saturday of lifting! Thank you everyone who helped out to put on a flawless weightlifting event.
We saw some big numbers put up by both male and female lifters and some close battles in different weight classes. I always love watching people hit PR’s during comps, there’s nothing like a little extra adrenaline to help you hit numbers you never thought possible.
It was great to see so many of our Sabaria members out and competing and having amazing performances starting with our Sabaria Coach Amanda Braddock who went 70kilos on the Snatch and 96 kilos on the Clean and Jerk! She took the best female lifter award and Gold in her weight class. (pic above)
Sabaria member and our newest intern Roger Qian took the Best Male lifter award with a beauty 130 kilo Snatch and 155 kilo Clean and Jerk, also winning his weight class. (pic above)
There were a lot of other awesome performances by Sabaria members including Jai Jun, Annik Gougeon, Alex Benson, Gerald Li and Lucas Fusallo. They all looked like pros – super composed and focused and hitting those big lifts when they counted. Gerald Li’s 6 for 6 performance was one of the best if not the best of the day!
Congratulations on a great start to the new season, team!