The word "Mobility" gets thrown around in so many ways these days and has made some people really rich in..
Sabaria Summer Open
What a great Saturday of lifting! Thank you everyone who helped out to put on a flawless weightlifting event. We..
Navy Seal Abs
It's Summer time and what does that mean? There's a lot of time for fun in the sun!!! Whether that's..
Want a Bigger Squat? 3 Easy Tips
Everybody wants a bigger squat, that's a fact, and it usually that means you're already squatting and that's the perfect..
Murph – Summer WOD Series 1
First off I just need to thank everyone who came out and who grinded out the workout and donated to..
Team Radix does Canadian Ninja Warrior!!
Last Saturday, 23 of our members plus Rach and I ventured over to Free Run Inc. Obstacle Course gym in..
Radix Baby Diary #1
Well it seems like we might be the most blessed couple right now! Dan and I are expecting our first..
December Member of the Month
Carley Smith Age: 22 Carley has been a wonderful addition to our community, as an athlete and as an awesome..
Holiday Party Survival Guide
Social situations are difficult to navigate in the best of times, but the added stress of the holiday season can make..