I've been training hard for a long time now. Kinda longer than I want to think about as each year..
prenatal fitness
REST? How much do I need?
If you heard anything I've talked about since being coached by me you will know that I'm a firm believer..
On Saturday May 18th we will be having our annual Murph Throwdown! Come make a donation to the orphans in..
DEAL of The Month5 Star Formula Omega 3's are 15% OFF this month, If you need your fish oils now..
How’s Your Relationship with Food? PART 2
Last week I gave you the rundown with my past relationship with food and how my goals as an athlete/fighter,..
How’s Your Relationship with Food? PART 1
I don't talk about this very much, only when someone asks or during a nutrition seminar will I start to..
Energy Systems, What are they? and How do they effect you?
I first started learning about energy systems about 8 years ago when I was competitively fighting and training competitive fighters,..
The Sound Track of my Life
Music is a very powerful thing, it can change your mood, it can help you sleep, it can make you..
How my Injuries have Changed my Life
I've had my fair share of injuries over my lifetime. It's inevitable playing highly competitive sports since the age of..