You may have noticed that Rach and I weren’t around last week, or maybe not lol but we were in Victoria BC for my good friends Adam and Kelsey’s wedding. I was one of Adam’s Groomsmen and it was a beautiful wedding and evening.
Travelling with 3 kids 2 of which are toddlers was an interesting experience to say the least haha but our first trip as a 5 person fam was a success. Im not going to lie Im freakin exhausted right now between a busy week of travel changing 3 hour time zones twice and all 3 boys getting sick on the way back, Mommy and Daddy could use an actual vacation LOL.
Personally I hate being out of routine for long periods of time but Adam has a CrossFit gym in Victoria and one of his other groomsmen Jay and I are best buds and Jay opens the gym everyday so it was nice to keep some good workouts in the mix and have Jay make me an Americano every morning.
Not gonna lie we Bro’d out pretty hard, Jay is the highest ranking officer on the military base in Victoria with multiple medals of honour for his service, including saving a whole platoon of Canadian troops from enemy fire in Afghanistan by putting his life on the line and drawing enemy fire, the man is a living legend, hes also a former bodybuilder turned CrossFitter so we did a Chest Day Ill never forget. Check it out!
Incline Bench Press 7×10
DB Flyes 4×12
Bench Press 10×10
Pushups 3 sets to failure
3 rounds
20 Wallballs
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
DON’T EVER DO THIS, The DOMs I had was almost unbearable LOL
I did miss you all very much! I hope you had a great week of training, that Elizabeth wasnt too hard on you and that your Easter weekend was filled with love and family!
Coming up at Radix
in MAY
The next 8 Week Challenge Begins!
Murph on the May Long Weekend!
Look out for details on both these events and get ready for Murph!
Coach Daniel