Radix is excited to bring back our Member of the Month feature – a way for us to celebrate the members who are getting after it and inspiring our community to do the same.
This month we’re giving a big woo and 10 extra Tyler points to Breanna Young.
Breanna joined Radix in September, and quickly became a die-hard member of the 6 am crew. She’s a person who shows up 6 days a week and who you might never know is a law-talkin’ big shot attorney (my words, not hers) in her day job. When I asked Breanna what drew her to Radix, she shared that the vibe just felt right. She immediately noticed the sense of community in the 6 am class and quickly felt like she was part of it.
Now I can’t tell you if she’s normally a morning person, but I can confirm that Breanna rarely misses the early class. She’s a big fan of Tyler and his big, loud morning energy, but more than that she has made a commitment and decision to come first thing in the morning because she prioritizes her morning workouts. No matter if she’s had a late night or a ton of work on her plate, she says coming at that time ensures she gets there and gets it done…and that’s really important to her. Breanna loves the intensity of crossfit and it’s been hard not to notice her excellent results on the leaderboard that come from discipline and consistency. What can we say about her? She loves the hustle.
Keep hustlin’, Breanna!
The Open is over and 23.3 was one of those workouts that will either expose your strength in lifting or your gymnastics capacity or BOTH hahaha, you all did so awesome. It was so cool seeing Alex K going though his first CrossFit Open at the 11:30 class every week. He really trains hard and has come so far, I always enjoy the messages he sends me about getting his steps in.
The Open is so great to show us how far we’ve come over the year and also what we need to work on going forward. Now we have a whole year to train and o even better next year!
The nutrition seminar was a great time and I always enjoy sharing knowledge and teaching healthy habits to our awesome members. We were also really excited to share with you our vision for The Radix Way Nutrition Club and how we are making healthy eating and habits a lifetime adventure thats sustainable. Obesity rates are at all time highs, people are dieing from not taking care of their health through nutrition and exercise. They’re on unnecessary drugs for ailments that are caused by a lack of knowledge and adherence to a healthy lifestyle. The Radix Way is our way of combating that and changing lives in the process.
Our approach is science based with no gimmicks, we get real life results that are sustainable to live your life to its fullest while being healthy and vibrant.
We’re super excited at what this will bring to our members in the future both health and sustainable results wise.
If you’re interested in hearing more please email me at radixperformance@live.com!