October is going to be a crazy month for us here. I’m away for 2 weeks. 1 week at Power Monkey Camp where I get to train 5 hours a day with some of the best Coaches and athletes in CrossFit and 1 week with my beautiful wife and son in Nashville eating chicken and donuts lol
That being said, I would really love if all our amazing members would help welcome new members and potential members like the family we’ve made here, also helping Coaches keep the place tidy and clean 🙂
Thanksgiving weekend there will be NO Saturday Classes as we are running a Weightlifting event. Thanksgiving Monday there will be a 9am Class and 10:30 am Weightlifting Class, gym will close at 12:00pm.
Starting Saturday October 13th our Saturday Mobility class will return at 10 am for the Fall. Please join Coach Kylie to stay limber and continue to work on being healthy and mobile.
I hope your enjoying this Fall weather coming in!
See you in the gym,
– Coach Dan