I’m really sorry I’ve missed you guys over the last few weeks for newsletters, as the gym shut down we switched over to online program to keep everyone healthy and moving during this time. There was a lot of scrambling and maneuvering but we have system running to keep us going.
If you haven’t been getting our daily emails and want them, please reply to this email and we’ll be sure to get you on the list!
That being said our newsletter is back in action and I want to bring you news that will brighten your day and bring a positive mindset rather than so much of the negative news that we can consume right now.
Over the week I have compiled news from all the sources of media I consume that has either made me laugh, put a smile on my face, or just put me in a positive mindset and I thought I would love to share this with you.
I’ll share all the cool stories, videos, memes and jokes I see to help brighten your day, it’s NEWS but its Good News and I just ask that you share it with someone, too. I want to start your Week off right with the right mindset and a positivity that will be contagious to the people around you.
FIRST UP on the NEWS the Barenaked ladies perform Lovers in a Dangerous Time from their 4 different homes and its unreal! I’m a sucker for wind instruments and I dare you not to sing a long!
This meme of Pooh bear telling piglet what’s up me rolling on the floor laughing (pic above)
Rach shared this video meme with me of a way too happy deer prancing along the lake was exactly how Ive been acting while at home making sure I aggravate Rach as much as possible while home
This Front Squat makes me happy 🙂 its been a long uphill battle after surgery and loading some weight felt good!
This meme had me thinking I need in home cams of what you people are doing for home workouts hahaha
These things all made me smile this week and I hop they make you smile too! Share them around
Coach Dan