This week I want to dive deeper into the psyche of long term change, piggybacking off of last weeks
newsletter on getting UNCOMFORTABLE daily!
Let’s take this further, you’ve accepted the fact that you need to get UNCOMFORTABLE and you’ve been doing it and doing it daily.
That’s fricken AWESOME!!
You are MOTIVATED, you’re showing up and you are getting results! Ride that train! Choo Choo, All aboard!!
The you wake up one day and your super sore, you pushed the metcon too hard, your stress levels at work have risen, your kids didn’t sleep… I could go on. What do you do?!
What happens when you just don’t want to? Not an ounce of motivation in your body! Do you sleep in? Do you make excuses? Do you let your motivation control what you do and how you act? When things are good you’re good but when things aren’t then you’re not. Imagine if you treated your job or business like that? or even worse your spouse or family?
This is why Discipline trumps Motivation every single time. Building sustainable habits and discipline is your one way street to long term success.
When you’re not “feeling it” it DOESNT MATTER, you do it anyway, You Don’t make excuses, you DOn’t complain, you show up, you smile, you thank God He’s given you another day to make yourself a better human being.
Guess what? You just have to do this once and the next time its gets easier to tell your inner bitch to shut-up!
Then guess what happens, every time you do that your inner strength and discipline GROWS and GROWS and you get more and more in shape and gains. You HAVE to treat discipline like a MUSCLE, you HAVE to train it and train it consistently and it gets stronger and grows and you become more resilient!
Next thing you know your posting Motivation Monday posts on your IG and telling your friends to suck it up!
It’s not Easy and even when that Discipline muscle is well trained and conditioned you get hit with a workout that absolutely destroys you and you have to dig deeper then ever to make sure you stick with it… and guess what? Sometimes you just don’t, you get rocked and you don’t show up. It happens to all of us.
The most important thing at that point is to show up the next day like it never happened, they say the best athletes have short term memories. When they lose the forget about it, don’t dwell on it and move on. When you mess up and eat that donut, you forget about it and get your healthy protein and get back at it.
Motivation will come and go, discipline will drive you to places you’ve never imagined!
Coach Dan