Our Next Training Cycle

We had a fun de-load week of accessory style work and fun metcons and hopefully as little mental break from heavy weights! The weather has been amazing too!

Thank you to everyone who responded to the last email about their thoughts on the olympic lifting cycle, your feedback was awesome and much appreciated.

Our New Cycle will start next week and the focus will be on Strength and Gymnastics skills in the form of a lot of upper body strict strength work. This is going to be a great cycle to focus on building a solid foundation of lifting and moving your bodyweight. We will throw in 2 options this cycle as well where you can work on Power Cleans OR Deadlifts and Snatches OR Front Squats, so if you want to focus purely on your strength you can go the deadlift, front squat route or you can get focus more on your speed strength with power clean, snatch combo.

On the gymnastics side it is very important for us to build a solid foundation of strict movement before doing a ton of kipping work both for longevity and movement quality purposes. If you’re very good with your strict movement we got you covered because we will be weighting those variations with vests and plates.

The Basic outlook of the weekly schedule will look like this

Back Squat 5×5
6 mins
Handstand Progression/Hollow Holds

Shoulder Press
6 mins
Strict Pull-ups/Arch Holds

Power Clean 3 x 3 or Deadlift 3 x 3


Snatch 3 x 3 or Front Squat 3 x 3
6 mins
Ring Dip or Dip /V-Ups 

I’m super excited to see how you all develop over the next 8 weeks! We will be finishing this cycle up with a CrossFit Total Day, which is CrossFit’s version of a powerlifting total. It will be a 1 RM Back Squat a 1 RM Shoulder Press and a 1 RM Deadlift for a combined total weight lifted! 

I Highly recommend that you track your weights every single week and make sure you are pushing yourself to progress a bit heavier every week as we go through this. Watch the gains come! 

Coach Dan