There’s certain times in our life when we make life changing decisions that in the moment may not seem so monumental but that decision starts you on a trajectory to something that changes your life forever and saves your life at the same time.
My Dad started this 8 week Challenge and didn’t want anyone to know cause he was embarrassed to be “The Dad of a fit and healthy gym owner” as he was weighing 317 pounds and having a lot of health issues because of it.
My Dad is my hero so it was heart breaking to see him like that and to say that, but he committed to this WHOLE YEAR OF Change, Starting with this first 8 weeks. My Dad has bad asthma, heart issues and really bad swelling in his legs and his right leg gets infected continually. The doctor was just about to put him on Meds that he would have to stay on for life, I asked him to trust me for 8 weeks.
When we scanned, his body-fat was super high and his hydration was really bad, it also showed that the leg that was getting infected was almost 3 pounds heavier than the other side (the scan shows you right and left arm and leg weights) . It was hard to see that scan come out and read it to him.
My Dad doesn’t eat well (eats out a lot), he NEVER drinks water (hates it), doesn’t workout and was getting 4000 steps a day max. We changed everything.
Over the last 6 weeks he has lost over 30 pounds. His asthma is 10x better as he takes his puffer half of what he used to, he hit his first 15000 step day this past weekend and his energy has skyrocketed. This is the CRAZIEST PART, when he re-scanned his legs had lost 6 pounds of inflammation and his right and left legs had EQUALLED OUT in size! The inflammation GONE AND his infection GONE!!
I was so happy! I had tears in my eyes. My Dad is saving his own life at this point and I couldn’t be prouder!
OUR NEXT 8 WEEK CHALLENGE STARTS in MARCH and if you’re ready to make that change for yourself you NEED to email me TODAY, We have 20 SPOTS open and half are already gone! Email me at with header 8 WEEK! Early Bird pricing is still on.
Tony made that decision for a life change and listen what happened.
“I started the 8 week challenge at Radix with the goal of losing weight and getting back into shape, this was going to be my 50th birthday gift to myself.
At 49 and 50 weeks away, I was 204.5 lbs, 35% body fat, and 47% water I was overweight and dehydrated.
8 weeks later I weigh 184.5 lbs, 21.4% body fat, and 56% total body water. That’s 33 lbs of fat loss and muscle gain of 3.5lbs in just 8 weeks.
Oct 23rd was the last day I consumed alcohol, and Oct 24th I kicked off Day 1 at radix – the 6 am class.
The class/ team members immediately welcomed me, and coach Tyler guided me with form throughout every class (to this day)
Coach Dan tailored a specific meal plan for me – 7 days a week, this made things simple, I just had to follow what was on the meal plan.
I showed up every day to class, some days I did not feel like it, but I just got there, and every day I left class feeling more confident, stronger, and relieved that I did not miss a day.
I have STOPPED snoring and have gotten rid of all the fat guy clothes!
My association with food and alcohol has completely changed, I have no desire to drink and food is fuel to accomplish the days events. The meal is no longer the event!
I thought I would gain the benefit of a stronger and leaner body, I have, what I did not bargain for is the mental strength and control I now have.
I am now in total control of what I eat, I used to average under 4000 steps a day, I now average 15000 steps a day, why? How? I decided to make it a priority (and yes, I have a full time office job) instead of couch surfing I am active!
This program has changed my life, it will change yours in 8 short weeks. I feel empowered and confident that I can now do anything I put my mind to.
If you don’t believe me come and visit I would be happy to share my results and story in person, Coach Dan is the real deal and so is Radix
My friends, kids family have asked “when do you go back to normal eating?” I struggled with the question but about 6 weeks in, I realized this is it , this is normal eating, normal activity, I cannot think of one benefit to eating unhealthy and not exercising, there is ZERO upside. 8 weeks will come and go, decide to make a change and you will never look back”. Tony
That was 8 Week Challenge number 1 for Tony and he hopped on a 2nd one that he’s 6 weeks into and down over 50 pounds of fat!
OUR NEXT 8 WEEK CHALLENGE STARTS in MARCH and if you’re ready to make that change for yourself you NEED to email me TODAY, We have 20 SPOTS open and half are already gone! Email me at with header 8 WEEK! Early Bird Pricing is still on!