If you’re ready to get in the best shape possible for this summer NOW IS YOUR CHANCE and Im offering $500 cash for the biggest and baddest transformation! DON’T miss out! Email us today and come SUMMER you’ll be tarps off in the sun feeling good!
I had a fun week of getting the flu and playing catch up on life after that! Life has a way of slowing us down when it’s necessary, as frustrating as it may feel in the moment you’ll more than likely look back and think ahhh I can see why now.
It’s also really nice to get texts from Annie, Nick, Mr Mirski and Tyler asking how I was feeling or Breanna coming in Thursday morning and saying “Ive missed your face” or venting frustrations with Tania or Tyler’s question of the day on Friday, which was – What do you like Most about Coach Dan? and Chloe saying ZERO (made me laugh so hard) or then the mean girls team ganging up on me about my spelling and grammar on these newsletters, now Im so self conscious, I’ve read and re-read and changed this newsletter 1000x(and still got it wrong), Thanks Bree. I won’t even repeat what Rob W said about me hahahaa
It all reminds me of why Im lucky to come in here at 5 am every morning.
We had an absolute blast Saturday night for Radix Taco Night! Thank you Samantha for the idea and setting up the catering for Authentic Mexican Tacos, if you’re looking for a catered party let me know, they did a wonderful job. Taco night turned into Salsa night with Andrew Amigo Arteaga! I’ve never felt so white in my life and then my hips cam alive and I had a blast, Andrew brought an amazing Salsa instructor and friend and we got to learn Salsa! We’ll have to do this again!
It’s been great seeing so many of you getting used to the new movements we’ve introduced over the last 5 weeks. The sumo deadlifts are looking more and more natural. Tania channeling her inner Layne Norton every time! (if you don’t know just check him out on IG)
This week I was thinking about ya’ll and my thought was “what’s the point?” Why do you show up on a daily, weekly, monthly basis? There’s gotta be a point to training hard. Otherwise why do it?
The point of work and business is to make money
The point of reading my Bible every morning is to grow spiritually
The point of eating breakfast is to fuel my day
I think for everyone who comes to the gym their purpose my differ slightly but there is a couple universal truths to the point of being here. Here’s my universal reasons why you’re coming everyday.
1. Your Health- we all know mentally and physically your health improves by being consistent.
2. Your Looks- as much as you don’t wanna sound vain, we all want to look better. When you look better you also feel better.
3. Your Goals- These vary from person to person, maybe its to be a faster runner, or have a bigger squat or beat your workout bestie in a WOD, maybe you wanna go to the CrossFit Games. There should be some goals.
Now are you keeping track of any of these things?
Let me tell you what I’ve learned about progress and reaching potential and goals.
You need to be consistent, held accountable, have clear goals and be willing to make sacrifice.
Have you done regular blood work to see if you’re in fact getting healthier? Are you seeing a difference in the mirror? Doing body scans to see if you’re losing fat and gaining muscle? Are you writing down goals and blasting through plateau’s? Hitting PR’s?
Can you answer these questions?
If not,
Are you just spinning your wheels? Whats the point?
The point should be to be healthier, leaner, fitter, stronger, to have more energy, to be able to handle more stress.
Maybe it’s time for you to do a self check, maybe it’s time to make a commitment to yourself.
Just my thought for the week, I want everyone at Radix to be living with a purpose, that purpose breeds results and long lasting results.
Maybe it’s time for you to bite the bullet and get into our Nutrition club or have a sit down with me and discuss goals or join our next challenge? We’re ready to lead you to the next step!
The SUMMER SHRED Challenge! Sat April 20th – 8 Weeks (Check out the write up below)
MURPH – Are you ready to give your first Hero Workout a try? Are you ready to PR last year or go RX with a vest? Sat May 25th 7-11am
I’ve had a lot people reach out to me about doing personal extra programming to get ready for Murph! If you’re looking for something similar and want to do your absolute best reach out to me and I can get you setup on extra programming.
Coach Dan